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TN DR Volunteer Clothing

The basic uniform for Southern Baptist Disaster Relief credentialed team members consists of two items, which bear the official Southern Baptist Disaster Relief logo:

  • Current SBDR badge with photo identification
  • Official logo hat

A currently credentialed Disaster Relief volunteer may wear official Disaster Relief clothing and display the SBC Disaster Relief logo only as prescribed.  (Remember at all times when wearing Disaster Relief apparel, you represent Christ, Disaster Relief, and the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board.  Act in a worthy manner.)

Download the clothing order form and scan it to Elizabeth Holmes at [email protected] or fax it to her at (615) 371-2014.  She will send an invoice when she ships the items, after verifying credentials and available clothing.  (Shipping charges will apply.)  We are now able to accept Visa, MasterCard, and Discover cards.

FYI – When clothing is worn out or no longer needed, please destroy clothing, give it to another disaster relief volunteer, or send it to the state DR office.  DO NOT give it to charitable organizations.

2024-2025 CLOTHING ORDER FORM – Click to open