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My Church is an online community designed to equip churches reaching people far from God. We help develop and resource leaders with tools for Jesus-centered leadership and living.
Finding Your Way
Leaders in the church today face the challenge of engaging a culture that has written off religion and the local church. Jesus is the hope of the world, and we want to raise up a generation of leaders.
Free This Weekend? Join Us In Church!
No matter what you’ve been through or what questions you might have, our church is a place where you’ll find the grace, mercy, and forgiveness Jesus gives to everyone.
What’s Your Story?
You’re Welcome Here!
Whether it’s your first time at church or you’ve gone to church for years, our Sunday services are a welcoming place for you to enjoy worshipping Jesus with others.
Life Is Better Together
So whether you know your next step or just want to learn more about our church, My Church is the place for you.

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Donec vestibulum purus ac nibh fringilla iaculis. Nam venenatis semper tortor, et eleifend nulla sodales ut.

Nam nec rhoncus libero. Integer tempus dapibus ullamcorp aenean et est nec magna semper viverra curabitur.
Meet Our Team
My Church Exists to Serve, Equip and Connect Church Leaders so More People are Reached for the Gospel
Growing In Your Faith
Introduction to Tennessee Baptist Disaster Relief
Tennessee Baptist Disaster Relief is a cooperative, volunteer ministry of the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board and its affiliated churches. It is totally dependent upon volunteers who give of their time, energy, talents and finances to assist others in a time of disaster. The ministry is led by the State Director, an employee of the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board. He and one administrative assistant are the only employees working primarily with Disaster Relief.