Registration & Other Forms/Manuals
Disaster Relief volunteers can now download the following forms to their computers and fill them out and bring them with you to training or send them to the DR office.
- Download needed forms to your computer.
- Open form (they are PDF files) and fill in your information.
- Save the file to a new name by putting your name at the beginning of the file name.
- Many forms will need your actual signature. To sign a form, you will need to print it off and sign it.
- After signing the form, if you are going to a training event, please take your forms with you and turn them in at the training.
- Please also remember to remit any cost associated with your credentialing to either your training leader or mail them to the DR office. (Currently new and renewal credentials are $40.00 (effective January 1, 2023) for three years which covers the cost of the background check, processing, training paperwork, and the badge.)
New and Returning Volunteers – Please complete all 4 forms and bring to the training with you.
- 2024-2025 Combined Application – Please fill out all 9 forms. This combines the Disaster Relief application (sign on the back page), Record of Volunteer Training form, Background Screen Authorization Form (sign on page 2), and the Badge Maker Form. These forms are fillable; we have tried to make it easier to fill out these forms. Do not forget to print it off and sign it. Be sure to fill out all pages online, print, and then sign the form on the back page. Please bring it with you to your training.
- Checks need to be made out to the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board and on the “Subject Line” put DR Credentials.
Current Volunteer (just taking specialized class or classes)
2024 Record of Volunteer Training – Fillable – This form needs to be filled out and submitted when the volunteer takes a specialized class.
Other Forms
- 2024-2025 Combined Application – This is a specialized form for those who are seeking to be part of the Security Team. It must be filled out and brought with you to your training.
- 2025 Sign In Sheet – Classroom List – Form used for each classroom training for volunteers to sign in for the class(es) they attend
- 2025 Evaluation form – Form used to constructively evaluate the content of the class and the instructor
- 2024 DR Volunteer and Non-Credentialed Application-Adult – Fillable – Please fill it out and bring it with you to your training. Do not forget to print it off and sign it. Be sure to fill out all pages and sign the form on the back page.
- 2024 Bckgrd Screen Auth Form Clear Star Fillable Form – PAGES 2 and 3 – This form must be filled out by all persons seeking to get credentialed or to renew their credentials. The cost for this process is $40.00 for a 3-year renewal of your credentials. Checks need to be made out to the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board and on the “Subject Line” put DR Credentials. Be sure to sign this form. Take this form along with your check to your training.
Preparedness Manuals
- Church Preparedness Manual – Church_Preparedness_Manual
- Family Preparedness Manual – Family-Preparedness-Manual