DR Status Color Codes
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DR Status Color Codes
The current Tennessee Baptist Disaster Relief status is based on conditions that we are experiencing or expecting. They are:
No Disasters in Sight – Blue
Tennessee Baptist Disaster Relief is currently not responding to any disaster situations. Take time to get spiritually, mentally, and physically ready to assist others during times of disaster. Disaster Relief training opportunities are scheduled throughout the state. Contact your local DR Team Leader or contact the state DR office if you have any questions. In the meantime, look for ways to keep your equipment ready and units active by finding ways to serve your local community, church, or association.

Monitoring Potential Events – Green
Tennessee Baptist Disaster Relief is currently monitoring potential weather or other events that could call for a response. Please monitor our web site and the news to keep aware of potential events. Consider if you would be able to respond, should you be called upon. Check your equipment to make sure it is in operating condition and ready should the need arise.
Prepare for Possible Deployment (Alert) Yellow
Tennessee Baptist Disaster Relief has been notified of a disaster situation and has been asked to mobilize our units for possible response. The key question is can you and your unit respond in the next 24 to 48 hours if called upon? Let your unit leader know of your availability to respond. Watch for updates on our web site, Tennessee Baptist Disaster Relief Facebook page and monitor your email for messages from your team leader. Pray for those who may have been affected by the disaster.

Response Probability is High (Standby) – Orange
There is a HIGH probability that our Tennessee Baptist Disaster Relief units will be asked to respond to the current disaster situation. Are you ready to leave in the next 12-24 hours if you get word to GO? By now you should have contacted your unit leader as to your availability. Your bags should be packed. You have checked the “What do I need to take” list. You have made arrangements for work and other related responsibilities for while you are gone. Continue to monitor for updates. Pray for those who may have been affected by the disaster.
TBDR Units are Responding (GO/Active) – Red
Tennessee Baptist Disaster Relief is currently responding to a disaster situation. Pray for those who have been affected by the disaster. Pray for those currently serving in Christ’s name and contact your local Disaster Relief Team Leader or your local association if you are available to respond.

TBDR Units Doing Long-Term Rebuilding – Purple
Tennessee Baptist Disaster Relief continues to respond to the ongoing needs following a disaster. Our TBDR units, churches, and associations are involved in the long-term recovery from a disaster which may include: cleaning up areas that were missed by the initial wave of response and helping people through assisting in the rebuild process after the disaster.